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Zodiac Tarot-Scopes September 25th - 30th

Zodiac Tarot-Scopes September 25th - 30th

Zodiac Tarot-Scopes September 25th -30th

Between September 25th - September 30th, zodiac signs will either end the month on a good or bad note. Some will continue to have major changes, while others choose to remain stagnant. At the end of the day, it's up to you to discover the meaning of situations that present itself this week. 

Tarot-Scopes is a merge between astrology and tarot reading. Joan Zodianz utilizes both to provide a more in-depth reading of this week's energies for every zodiac sign. To see the monthly overview, click here.

Tarot cards will serve as a general guidance for this week. Take any cards you perceive “negative” as warnings and use it to your advantage. Meaning, you have the opportunity to accept and change your outcome. have the opportunity to accept and change your outcome.

Joan ZodianzAuthor Bio: Joan Zodianz is a natural astrologist, tarot reader, and psychic medium of 16 years. She communicates with higher spirits such as Archangels, angels, and spirit guides. She offers psychic readings, astrological advice, natal chart readings and tarot readings. Visit:



 Aries Zodiac Tarot-Scopes September 25th – 30th


Emperor: This card is associated with Aries in tarot. 

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The 5 of Chalices (Scorpio) sits on top of The Emperor (Aries). Next to it sits The Hanged Man reversed (Neptune). This week you will be up in your feelings, and you will be unwilling to change perspectives.

This week you will be up in your feelings, and you will be unwilling to change perspectives.

The 5 of Chalices (Scorpio) crosses you this week, as it suggests that you will be feeling jealousy, rejection or even disappointment over a recent or upcoming situation. The Hanged Man in reverse warns that you will allow negative emotions to cloud your better judgment of yourself or of others. You will find it hard to see things from a different perspective, only wanting to be right and not wrong.

You can sit there and point the finger, but maybe you should try to be more accepting and see things from the other side. You are allowed to get upset if things don’t go as planned, it’s only natural for your sign, but don’t let it to take over your entire week. If you start to feel a somber mood taking over, remember it’s only temporary.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

 Taurus Zodiac Tarot-Scopes September 25th – 30th


The Hierophant: This card is associated with Taurus in tarot.

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The 7 of Wands (Leo) sits on top of The Hierophant (Taurus). Next to it sits The Magician reversed (Mercury). This week you will come across a challenge of desires, but resources will be an issue for you.

This week you will come across a challenge of desires, but resources will be an issue for you.

The 7 of Wands crosses you this week, suggesting that you will be faced with a challenging situation – especially when it comes to materialistic wealth and desires. The Magician reversed warns that you will want to create, but lack the resources to do it. However, it could also be that you lack the imagination to see the opportunities around you. Check yourself and look around.

Are you still procrastinating and putting things off? As dutiful and responsible as Taureans are, they can also be big procrastinators. It’s not that their lazy, far from it, just more last minute. However, if you truly lack the resources to progress forward, then it is suggested that you find a creative solution (think outside the box). The universe is asking you to reflect on what you want to create, so challenge yourself and take this time to do it.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

 Gemini Zodiac Tarot-Scopes September 25th – 30th


The Lovers: This card is associated with Gemini in tarot.

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The 8 of Chalices (Pisces) sits on top of The Lovers (Gemini). Next to it sits the Queen of Chalices (Gemini/Cancer). This week you will feel the need to escape old habits and take on a more controlled role.

This week you will feel the need to escape old habits and take on a more controlled role.

The 8 of Chalices compliments you this week, suggesting that you will be free of the old and fly away into the unknown. The Queen of Chalices encourages this and supports your need for more independence. It can be quite tough for a Gemini to be one with themselves, but you will start to feel more controlled mentally and emotionally.

If you’ve been thinking of ideas to get away or fly away, then perhaps you should take it as a sign. This week, you will find more meaning in life and less meaning in materialistic wealth. It’ll be all about how you feel as a person and what makes you soar. Take this time to nurture your heart’s desires. You’ll start to inspire those around you by taking the lead and taking control of your own life.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

Cancer Zodiac Tarot-Scopes September 25th – 30th  


VII Chariot: This card is associated with Cancer in tarot.

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The 10 of Swords (Gemini) sits on top of The Chariot (Cancer). Next to it sits the 8 of Chalices reversed (Pisces). This week an old idea/situation has to die, and there will be no escape in how you feel.

This week an old idea/situation has to die, and there will be no escape in how you feel.

The 10 of Swords crosses you, warning you of the end of old habits, old feelings, or just a dying situation in general. The 8 of Chalices reversed also warns that you will not be able to escape from this confrontation, it just has to happen. Cancerians are known for their attachments to people/things/ideas, but giving too much can also mean you’re doing too much. You may want to step back and really look at it from an unemotional perspective.

If things are holding you back from progressing forward emotionally, mentally, spiritually, then it may be time to just let it go. Don’t allow yourself to be too attached without knowing the consequences. If it doesn’t benefit you, then be real with yourself. If you need to confront the situation/person for closure, then it’s advised that you do so with caution and strategy.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

Leo Zodiac Tarot-Scopes September 25th – 30th  


Strength: This card is associated with Leo in tarot. 

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The 10 of Wands (Sagittarius) sits on top of Strength (Leo). Next to it sits the 4 of Wands reversed (Aries). This week a situation in your life will reach completion, but it doesn’t mean you can celebrate just yet.

This week a situation in your life will reach completion, but it doesn’t mean you can celebrate just yet.

The 10 of Wands compliments you, but also discourages you. It suggests completion, but it also suggests heavy burdens. The 4 of Wands states that you will be reluctant to reward yourself, suggesting that work will not be as complete as you’d like. All this means is that you’ve reached a small milestone in your life, but you still have a long way to go.

Leos are naturally ambitious and driven signs, so it’s not unusual for this sign to have multiple goals in life. You are pretty much checking them off one by one, perhaps even very quickly. Take this time to reflect on what you can do, but also let go of things that burden you. You don’t want to burn yourself out.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

Virgo Zodiac Tarot-Scopes September 25th – 30th  


The Hermit: This card is associated with Virgo in tarot. 

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The 2 of Wands (Aries) sits on top of The Hermit (Virgo). Next to it sits the 10 of Pentacles reversed (Virgo). This week you will strive for something new, but responsibilities will weigh you down from progressing.

This week you will strive for something new, but responsibilities will weigh down your progression.

The 2 of Wands compliments you as it suggests a yearning and passion for a new adventure. The 10 of Pentacles reversed challenges your ideas, letting you know that you’re not ready to move on. As dull as that may sound, you may have to check off your list of things to do first.

If you’re looking for a new career, then the timing may be off. If you’re just looking to travel or take over a new responsibility, then hold off on it. Don’t overload yourself with too much too soon, and don’t try to jump ship without a well-planned strategy. Being impulsive isn’t the norm for a Virgo, but this week may challenge that.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

 Libra Zodiac Tarot-Scopes September 25th – 30th


Justice: This card is associated with Libra in tarot. 

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The 8 of Swords (Gemini) sits on top of Justice (Libra). Next to it sits the 7 of Chalices (Scorpio). This week your thoughts may have you feeling trapped, but desires/opportunities will come calling.

This week your thoughts may have you feeling trapped, but desires/opportunities will come calling.

The 8 of Swords crosses you, suggesting that you will feel overwhelmed or blinded by your thoughts. However, the 7 of Chalices will continue to light up your desires/opportunities. It may even be an intense week for you as your sort yourself out, but all of it is temporary.

You may have to get in balance with yourself, after all Libras are the scales for a reason. Weigh out every option and situation. If it’s not useful to you then let it go. If it is useful to you then go with it. You may become highly indecisive with this process, but there’s really no way around it. Just be aware of it and get the scales moving in one direction.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

 Scorpio Zodiac Tarot-Scopes September 25th – 30th


Death: This card is associated with Scorpio in tarot. 

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The Ace of Chalices (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) sits on top of Death (Scorpio). Next to it sits the 7 of Pentacles (Taurus). This week is the beginning of a new emotional phases and refreshing opportunity.

This week is the beginning of a new emotional phases and refreshing opportunity.

The Ace of Chalices compliments you, suggesting that you will have a heightened sense of intuition and receptivity, and even attraction. The 7 of Pentacles encourages you to seek out an opportunity, perhaps one that you’ve had your eye on for a while. It also suggests that you may very well be the center of attention, the unicorn. Scorpios are the masters of desire and sexual magnetism, so if you’re single then other people need to watch out.

However, if you’ve been focused on a new idea/opportunity then you should take this time to research it and make a clear decision. Perhaps you will find more meaning in what you do this week, and there is also an opportunity to learn something new about yourself. You may find that an old you will die off naturally, and you will seek more importance in your environment. Meaning, you’ll make subtle changes to get rid of any negativity holding you back.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

 Sagittarius Zodiac Tarot-Scopes September 25th – 30th  


Temperance: This card is associated with Sagittarius in tarot. 

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The Fool (Uranus) sits on top of Temperance (Sagittarius). Next to it sits The Sun reversed (Sun). This week you will take a chance, but be careful as it can go against your true beliefs and values.

This week you will take a chance, but be careful as it can go against your true beliefs and values.

The Fool compliments you, suggesting that you will take a leap of faith on a new project, idea, belief or cause. However, The Sun in reverse warns that your leap of faith may not be of pure intent or value. These are major cards to have, so you’ll be making some tough decisions on who you want to be and where you want to go this week.

You may want to take this time to be sure of your own intent and recheck your own worth. Sagittarians can be very impulsive, so before making any major decisions, ask yourself if it falls in line with who you are as a person. This may even apply to who you want to be in the future. It’s highly recommended that you don’t take a leap of faith without looking down first (seeing the consequences).

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

 Capricorn Zodiac Tarot-Scopes September 25th – 30th


The Devil: This card is associated with Capricorn in tarot. 

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The 2 of Swords (Libra) sits on top of The Devil (Capricorn). Next to it sits the 6 of Pentacles (Taurus). This week your finances/resources will be tossed around blindly, here, there, everywhere.

This week your finances/resources will be tossed around blindly, here, there, everywhere.

The 2 of Swords crosses you, suggesting that you will be blinded by a situation and unable to see it for what it is. The 6 of Pentacles, though a positive card, states that you will be tossing your wealth around without consequence. You may be feeling extra generous to those around you, but are you sure you can afford to do that?

Capricorns are such honorable and giving individuals, so it’s normal for them to give before taking. They tend to sometimes give too much, thinking they can just get it back easily. Listen, this might not be the time to do that. It’s warned that you may make a mistake of judgement. Be sure to take a realistic perspective on yourself or of the other party. If you’re making bad choices in your finances, then take a step back and refrain from spending.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

 Aquarius Zodiac Tarot-Scopes September 25th – 30th


The Stars: This card is associated with Aquarius in tarot. 

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The Queen of Swords (Virgo/Libra) sits on top of The Stars (Aquarius). Next to it sits the King of Chalices (Libra/Scorpio). This week you come to a fair decision based on logic and rationality, and ultimately becoming the bigger person.

This week you come to a fair decision based on logic and rationality, and ultimately becoming the bigger person.

The Queen of Swords compliments you, suggesting that you will see things from a more reasonable perspective when it comes to a situation. The King of Chalices encourages you to see it for what it is, but also decide based on everyone’s feelings. This won’t be too difficult for an Aquarius, but it also means you will have to come to an agreement with someone or even yourself.

If you’ve been struggling the past few weeks, then take this time to see things from a higher view. You will have to utilize all your senses, but it could be time for an evolution within yourself. Sometimes Aquarians can be very stubborn in their beliefs, maybe it’s time to adopt a new belief. Whatever the situation, the universe asks you to be the bigger person.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

 Pisces Zodiac Tarot-Scopes September 25th – 30th


The Moon: This card is associated with Pisces in tarot. 

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The Chariot (Cancer) sits on top of The Moon (Pisces). Next to it sits The Tower (Mars). This week major changes continue to push you forward, but you may start to feel overwhelmed and defenseless.

This week major changes continue to push you forward, but you may start to feel overwhelmed and defenseless.

The Chariot compliments you, suggesting that you will continue to progress forward with head held high. However, the Tower warns that you that the pressure of responsibility will take its toll on you. Pisceans are sensitive individuals, so it doesn’t take much for this sign to lose it emotionally. And the reason is because this sign is gives a lot, but receives very little for their efforts. They just have a hard time asking for more.

If you start to feel heaviness in your heart and in your body, then it’s highly suggested that you take a step back before you have a breakdown. The pressure of everyday life and drag a Pisces down, so make sure you take some time to relieve yourself of any negative energies that may cling to you.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.