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Zodiac Tarot-Scopes October 9th - 15th

Zodianz Zodiac Tarot-Scopes October 9-15

Zodiac Tarot-Scopes October 9th - 15th

Tarot-Scopes is a merge between astrology and tarot reading. Joan Zodianz utilizes both to provide a more in-depth reading of this week's energies for every zodiac sign. To see the monthly overview, click here.

Tarot cards will serve as a general guidance for this week. Take any cards you perceive “negative” as warnings and use it to your advantage. Meaning, you have the opportunity to accept and change your outcome. have the opportunity to accept and change your outcome.

Joan ZodianzAuthor Bio: Joan Zodianz is a natural astrologist, tarot reader, and psychic medium of 16 years. She communicates with higher spirits such as Archangels, angels, and spirit guides. She offers psychic readings, astrological advice, natal chart readings and tarot readings. Visit:


 Aries Zodiac Tarot-Scopes October 9th -  15th


Emperor: This card is associated with Aries in tarot. 

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The 6 of Swords (Aquarius) sits on top of The Emperor (Aries). Next to it sits the 9 of Pentacles (Virgo). This week you’ll be soaring upwards in your life, and rewarding yourself will feel much deserved.

This week you’ll be soaring upwards in your life, and rewarding yourself will feel much deserved.

The 6 of Swords compliments you, confirming that you are headed in the right direction. Notice the card faces upwards, meaning you will feel a heightened sense of relief and positivity this week. There’s nothing but clear skies, so go ahead and soar without fear.

The 9 of Pentacles confirms and encourages your need to reward yourself, especially if you’ve been working hard. You may want to take a good look around and be grateful for the things you’ve accumulated so far, or the achievements you’ve had so far. There is still much to do, but there’s always time to rest and soak in the pleasures of life.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

Taurus Zodiac Tarot-Scopes October 9th -  15th 


The Hierophant: This card is associated with Taurus in tarot.

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The Devil (Capricorn) sits on top of The Hierophant (Taurus). Next to it sits the Knave of Wands reversed (fire). This week you will be challenged, either insecurities or temptation will come knocking on your door.

This week you will be challenged, either insecurities or temptation will come knocking on your door.

The Devil crosses you this week, warning of dark desires or negative energy headed your way. The universe will challenge your intent. With so many things going on, you may be tempted to stick to old routines that no longer work, or you may branch out and find yourself feeling insecure about a situation altogether. The trick is to embrace your emotions – whether good or bad.

The Knave of Wands reversed states that this situation is associated with a new project, new phase, or new person in your life. Embrace your fears and challenge yourself to overcome and achieve. Do expect some delays as you progress, but overall your passions will lead you to unknown territories that will either bring out the best or worst in you.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

 Gemini Zodiac Tarot-Scopes October 9th -  15th


The Lovers: This card is associated with Gemini in tarot.

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The Chariot (Cancer) sits on top of The Lovers (Gemini). Next to it sits the 6 of Swords (Aquarius). This week you are charging through life with your heart on your sleeve.

This week you are charging through life with your heart on your sleeve.

The Chariot compliments you, letting you know that your emotions will lead you this week. This can be good or bad, depending on how you look at it. The Chariot is associated with the zodiac sign Cancer, so expect to be more involved with close friends and/or relatives. You will be more supportive and more attentive to their emotional needs. Offering help where it’s needed most.

The 6 of Swords confirms that you will be in charge of where you are headed. You will be the strength that leads the support. You will offer solutions to your relatives, and you may even be there to physically help. Overall, this week your inner strengths will take hold of you and push you forward.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

Cancer Zodiac Tarot-Scopes October 9th -  15th 


VII Chariot: This card is associated with Cancer in tarot.

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The 5 of Pentacles (Taurus) sits on top of The Chariot (Cancer). Next to it sits Judgement (Pluto). This week you are walking on worries, especially when it comes to family/friends.

This week you are walking on worries, especially when it comes to family/friends.

The 5 of Pentacles crosses you this week, warning of troubles ahead, especially when it comes to stability and/or financial concerns. Don’t panic. The Judgement card states that this relates to other people. You will be buried in other people’s problems and concerns, perhaps they depend on you to help make important life decisions. Which can be good or bad.

This comes as both warning and advice, but take a hard look at your own direct foundation. Do you have the means and/or energy to help others at the moment? If not, then don’t feel guilty. You can’t help everyone when you have yourself or your own family to worry about. This is where you’re going to have to make a judgement call. Your choice.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

 Leo Zodiac Tarot-Scopes October 9th -  15th


Strength: This card is associated with Leo in tarot. 

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The 5 of Wands sits on top of Strength (Leo). Next to it sits The Hermit reversed (Virgo). This week your choices will be tested by others who don’t share the same values.

This week your choices will be tested by others who don’t share the same values.

The 5 of Wands crosses you, warning that there will be difficulties with others around you. It seems all the birds will be fighting for the same prize, disrupting your peace and solitude. You can choose to give in to their requests or demands, but at the end of the week you won’t share the same beliefs.

The Hermit further confirms that working alone in this situation, whether at home or at work, will be challenging. With all the bad energy going on, you may make the wrong choice because you’re upset. Try to see things from a different perspective, away from your own emotions.  

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

 Virgo Zodiac Tarot-Scopes October 9th -  15th


The Hermit: This card is associated with Virgo in tarot. 

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The Knave of Wands (fire) sits on top of The Hermit (Virgo). Next to it sits the 5 of Swords (Aquarius). This week you will need to strategize and defend your beliefs and decisions.

This week you will need to strategize and defend your beliefs and decisions.

The Knave of Wands compliments you, stating that you will either meet someone new, something new is headed your way, or that you will take on a new project. This doesn’t come without warning. With higher energies, you may need to strategize the outcome or analyze a person’s intentions.

The 5 of Swords further confirms this. Try to observe from a distance before you allow passions to set in. This doesn’t mean the situation will end badly, just that you need to take a few steps back before you go all in. If met with resistance from the other side, don’t be afraid to stand up for your beliefs and/or decisions on the situation. You don’t have to please anyone here.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

 Libra Zodiac Tarot-Scopes October 9th -  15th


Justice: This card is associated with Libra in tarot. 

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The 4 of Chalices (Cancer) sits on top of Justice (Libra). Next to it sits Strength (Leo). This week your strengths and weaknesses will be tested.

This week your strengths and weaknesses will be tested.

The 4 of Chalices crosses you, warning you that your emotions will take over you. You may start to feel overwhelmed or overpowered by a situation/person. However, there’s no time for a pity party. Your strengths are needed during this time. Time to bust out the infamous scales and weigh the pros and cons. Do you know your own strengths and weaknesses?

The Strength card encourages you to look deep within yourself. Regain the confidence that you’ve lost or losing at the moment. Notice how independent this card looks. You may need to take a few notes from her. Gather your courage and confront what is making you unbalanced, whether it’s internal or with others.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

 Scorpio Zodiac Tarot-Scopes October 9th -  15th


Death: This card is associated with Scorpio in tarot. 

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The 8 of Wands (Sagittarius) sits on top of Death (Scorpio). Next to it sits the Ace of Pentacles reversed (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). This week you’re advised not to spend foolishly, ensuring your household and/or family comes first.

This week you’re advised not to spend foolishly, ensuring your household and/or family comes first.

The 8 of Wands compliments you, letting you know that yourself, your house, and/or your family will require your full attention. Take a good look at priorities and make sure that you’re not making selfish decisions this week. Making it rain (money) on yourself shouldn’t be on that list.

Hold on tight and control your spending habits. The Ace of Pentacles reversed warns that any foolish spending should be put on hold, this isn’t the week for it. Just because you’re dishing money out, does not mean money will come flying back in. You may need that extra money for a rainy day.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

 Sagittarius Zodiac Tarot-Scopes October 9th -  15th 


Temperance: This card is associated with Sagittarius in tarot. 

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The 3 of Pentacles (Capricorn) sits on top of Temperance (Sagittarius). Next to it sits The Fool reversed (Uranus). This week hold back on taking any risks or starting anything new, look at the details first.

This week hold back on taking any risks or starting anything new, look at the details first.

The 3 of Pentacles compliments and crosses you this week, letting you know that you’ll be more focused or that you’ll need more focus. Sagittarians are known for looking at just the bigger picture, missing smaller details that require the same attention. Take it as a sign.

The Fool reversed further confirms that any leap of faith may lead to your downfall. Pull the reins back and smell the damn roses, lol. After you smell them, describe them. After you describe them, research how it grows. Continue this all week. If you don’t, you may miss something extremely important. Especially if you’re making any big decisions this week.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

 Capricorn Zodiac Tarot-Scopes October 9th -  15th


The Devil: This card is associated with Capricorn in tarot. 

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The Queen of Chalices (Gemini/Cancer) sits on top of The Devil (Capricorn). Next to it sits The Hanged Man (Neptune). This week you will be seeing a situation from a new perspective, challenging both mind and heart.

This week you will be seeing a situation from a new perspective, challenging both mind and heart.

The Queen of Chalices compliments you, letting you know that you will be in control of yourself and your surroundings this week. Capricorns are known for their natural leadership, but they can also be one-sided when it comes to decisions – using only logic and leaving out emotions altogether.

The Hanged Man further confirms that in order to progress, you will need to base your decisions from a new perspective. Take notes from the Queen and use both love and logic on this. Can you separate the two or can they be combined to make the right decision? That power lies within you this week.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

 Aquarius Zodiac Tarot-Scopes October 9th -  15th


The Stars: This card is associated with Aquarius in tarot. 

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The 2 of Pentacles (Capricorn) sits on top The Stars (Aquarius). Next to it sits The Sun reversed (Sun). This week you will have to strike a balance between who you are and what you do.

This week you will have to strike a balance between who you are and what you do.

The 2 of Pentacles compliments and crosses you, letting you know that you will have to balance two situations, especially when it comes to career, finances, and/or overall stability. Do you know where you’re going in life? Do you know what you want to continue doing? Perhaps change isn’t the best choice, perhaps it is. These questions will be filtering your mind as your progress through the week.

The Sun reversed further confirms that this week is all about you, but warns that you could be focused on a situation that isn’t bringing out the best of you. Not everything you do will, but could this situation/person be draining your good energies? If you’re feeling overwhelmed by a person or situation, then stop and take a breather. Reorganize your thoughts and make a decision that benefits your overall health and energy.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

 Pisces Zodiac Tarot-Scopes October 9th - 15th


The Moon: This card is associated with Pisces in tarot. 

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

Temperance (Sagittarius) sits on top of The Moon (Pisces). Next to it sits The Emperor (Aries). This week your ambitions and determination will take hold of you. You’re in full control.

This week your ambitions and determination will take hold of you. You’re in full control.

Temperance compliments you, letting you know that you will be feeling more positive and driven this week. It seems like the world is your oyster right now, so drink up and swallow all that life has to give. Take this time to see things from a more spiritual aspect. If you’ve been doing that, then you’ll be surprised when all the good energy you’ve been spewing finally comes back to you.

The Emperor encourages your decisions, so if you’re feeling ambitious then go for it. It’s time to take control of yourself and your environment. This is a very positive card as well. Two fire cards predict that you will feel more passionate about life. With that, you will also feel more aggressive than usual. No need to worry, so long as nobody rains on your parade.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.