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Weekly Zodiac Tarot-Scopes: March 19th - March 25th

Astrology Lookout

The Sun will only shine in Pisces until March 21st. From there it shifts into vivacious Aries until April 20th (UT – Swiss). Mercury still resides in Aries, but turns retrograde this Friday, March 23rd.

Mercury and Venus

When Mercury is in Aries, our ideas begin to ignite, we possess more fuel and determination to live out our wildest dreams and passions. We are also more impatient, aggressive and impulsive just like an Aries. But when Mercury in Aries is retrograde, it creates trouble in our reasoning such as unnecessary risks, irrational behavior, and volatile irruptions. Sounds the same? Not really.

We are advised to think before we act. When Mercury is in retrograde, especially in Aries, we are prone to foggy thoughts and ideas. Everything seems to move slower and our perspective of ideas are a little skewed. Some thrive in chaos, but Mercury in Aries only means more destruction and wild fires.

This will last until April 15th. Until then, you are warned to take shelter, lol. Don’t add more fuel to the fire. If it gets intense, then you need to back off and learn to fight another day. Retreating is necessary.

When Venus is in Aries, we find ourselves wanting to revolve our world loved ones (family, friends, or lover(s)), aggressively pursuing someone we want to love, or full on fights with people we just can’t stand.

During this time (Aries will remain in Mercury and Venus all month):

Fire signs will rejoice in their element, which gives breath to their dreams and desires. Water signs are prone to irrational outbursts, but also more passionate and intense love sessions. Earth signs will trample on others, not giving two-shits about anyone’s feelings. Air signs will take risks on their dreams and desires, throwing caution to the wind.

Tarot Cards This Week

Weekly Zodiac Tarot-Scope: March 19-25 by Joan Zodianz

Top Left to Right (Aries – Virgo): 7 of Chalices, 3 of Chalices, 6 of Swords, King of Swords, 9 of Chalices, and The Empress.

Bottom Left to Right (Libra – Pisces): 5 of Chalices, 5 of Pentacles, 3 of Wands, Justice, 8 of Swords, and The Chariot.


Middle Cards: The Hierophant (Taurus) sits on top of Judgement (Pluto) and the 2 of Swords (Libra). This week is all about making important decisions – is it love or is it money? Your choice.

Aries – 7 of Chalices

Aries, your card this week is the 7 of Chalices (Scorpio). You have a lot of opportunities to choose from. The Sun, Mercury and Venus will align in your sign by the 21st, so all eyes are on you. You’ve never felt better because it’s your time to outshine the world. This also adds a little bit of pressure because you’re such a progressive sign. Meaning, it’s time to layout a world domination plan and stick to it.

Taurus – 3 of Chalices

Taurus, your card this week is the 3 of Chalices (Cancer). We are feeling sensual and ready to get our hearts back in the game. If you’ve been broken hearted before, this week you’ll toss that shit away. It’s time to create something new, maybe even with multiple people (dating). If you’re in a relationship, then no worries, this is a good week to up your sensuality and throw in a new move or two 😉

Gemini – 6 of Swords

Gemini, your card this week is the 6 of Swords (Aquarius). Let’s just run away together, shall we? You’re not trying to take responsibility at all this week, but work must go on. Your mind will wander far away from the physical realm. You’re wanting to just be somewhere else or maybe your mind is still stuck on a place you recently visited. Maybe you should revisit or maybe move there altogether.

Cancer – King of Swords

Cancer, your card this week is the King of Swords (Capricorn/Aquarius). If you ain’t in the mood, then neither is anybody else, lol. You’re more focused on the tasks at hand and it seems you are prepping yourself for something bigger than yourself. You’re taking yourself more seriously and involving yourself in your talents. If you’re not, then you definitely should. This is a good week to fuel your passions.

Leo – 9 of Chalices

Leo, your card this week is 9 of Chalices (Pisces). It’s an emotional week for you, but in a good way. There seems to be a growth, maturity and/or an acceptance of a situation. You’re not willing to fight about it, rather distance yourself and let things fall where they should. Good for you. But if you’re in sticky situation, then it is advised that you remove yourself emotionally and just let go of the control.

Virgo – The Empress

Virgo, your card this week is The Empress (Venus). Valuing yourself is not hard for your zodiac sign, but if you’ve been running around generously, then it’s time to nurture yourself for a moment. Take a deep breath and just, I know you hate this word. RELAX, lol. When this card shows up, it means we need to slow things down and be kind to ourselves. It also means to just let things happen naturally in our lives.

Libra – 5 of Chalices

Libra, your card this week is the 5 of Chalices (Scorpio). We are feeling disappointed or rejected in a situation, basically we are up in our feelings this week. If something or someone has made you feel a certain way, then it’s time to turn that negative energy into something positive. Meaning, let other people motivate you into a better person. Haters are gonna hate, but only you can take action or dwell.

Scorpio – 5 of Pentacles

Scorpio your card this week is the 5 of Pentacles (Taurus). Fear of stability or money is knocking on your door. You’re either fearing the loss of something/someone, or you will lose something of value this week. Don’t allow intensity to build up. It is advised that you refrain from being impulsive with money all week. If you already spent it all, then you really only have yourself to blame for any buyer’s remorse.

Sagittarius – 3 of Wands

Sagittarius, this week your card is the 3 of Wands (Aries). We are riding on Aries’ coattail (Sun, Mercury and Venus are in Aries by the 21st), and we are having a blast. The fire in the air is giving you wings to explore and try new things. Your energy is high and you’re super impulsive, lol. Try not to crash by creating a roadmap for your life. Take control of the energy and continue riding the waves of fire.

Capricorn – Justice

Capricorn, this week your card is Justice (Libra). Bills, marriage, divorce, or any legal stuff needs to be taken care of this week (good or bad). Perhaps you’re just late with taxes altogether. Well, this is the week to get er’ done or to look deeper into your finances. Is there room to grow, to stand, or are your ready to collapse? This should be one of your most productive weeks all month, so start working.

Aquarius – 8 of Swords

Aquarius, this week your card is the 8 of Swords (Gemini). Chaos everywhere, but mostly at work. And you either just don’t care or are feeling suffocated in the drama. Regardless of how you feel, you’re in the mood to distance and ignore everything and everyone all week. And it’s okay to do that. You don’t need to invest any energy in others, but if you’re feeling trapped then maybe you should find a way out.

Pisces – The Chariot

Pisces, this week your card is The Chariot (Cancer). There are only a couple days left of the Pisces Season. Hopefully you’ve had birthdays to remember. You are still riding high and feeling positive, but your sensitivity meters are going up as the week progresses. Meaning, things might start to boil, get explosive, or get really emotional for you now that the Sun no longer shines on your sign.



For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here. 
**To shop Tarot Cards, click here**

Tarot-Scopes is a merge between astrology and tarot reading. 

Joan Zodianz utilizes both to provide a more in-depth reading of this week's energies for every zodiac sign. To see the monthly overview, click here.

Tarot cards will serve as a general guidance for this week. Take any cards you perceive “negative” as warnings and use it to your advantage. Meaning, you have the opportunity to accept and change your outcome. have the opportunity to accept and change your outcome.

Joan ZodianzAuthor Bio: Joan Zodianz is a natural astrologist, tarot reader, and psychic medium of 16 years. She communicates with higher spirits such as Archangels, angels, and spirit guides. She offers psychic readings, astrological advice, natal chart readings and tarot readings. Visit: