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Final August Zodiac Tarot-Scope (28-31)

Zodianz Final August Zodiac Tarot-Scope (28-31)

Final August Zodiac Tarot-Scope (28-31)

We have had an intense month so far, but the very last week of August is special for all zodiac signs. As the month ends, we must let go of the old and begin with the new.

As the month ends, we must let go of the old and begin with the new.

This week from August 28th – 31st

Scorpio Moon: Monday
Sagittarius Moon: Tuesday – Thursday

Virgo Mercury is still in retrograde until September 5th. As it wraps up, we must learn to be kind to our inner selves and release any harsh criticisms that have been holding us back.

…we must learn to be kind to our inner selves and release any harsh criticisms that have been holding us back.

For this week, I have decided not to do a reading for every single zodiac sign, but to do one reading for all zodiac signs.

Your cards for the week are as followed:

Final August Zodiac Tarot-Scope (28-31)

Top Cards

Notice the 3 of Pentacles (Capricorn) sits on top of The World (Saturn). The universe is asking us to reflect on this month’s challenges in detail. With the Sagittarius Moon guiding our desires and faith, we must take advantage of the eye of the centaur and look past the horizons of our future.

The universe is asking us to reflect on this month’s challenges in detail. 

Below are three cards (left to right):

Knight of Swords (Taurus/Gemini), 7 of Swords (Aquarius), and 2 of Swords (Libra).           

Spiritual Meaning

With so much pressure and intensity from this month, we must ask ourselves what we should keep and what we should let go of.

...we must ask ourselves what we should keep and what we should let go of.

Notice, all the cards below are the element of air and of swords. We are fighting and challenging ourselves mentally. We understand what we want out of this world, but most of us continue to hold ourselves back.

The Knight of Swords (Taurus/Gemini) lets you know that when you are ready to move forward, you will do so logically and creatively. There will be no emotions attached to this decision.

The 7 of Swords (Aquarius) tells us that our minds will wander and be drawn to distant opportunities. These are challenges that we have yet to face, but notice that this warrior is ready and armed for it.

The 2 of Swords (Libra) also lets you know that you can’t sit around and wait for opportunities to fall on your lap. You have to actively make a decision and commit to it. Don’t walk around blind or ignorant to the issues at hand. You can’t keep ignoring them forever.

You can look at these cards two ways: forwards or backwards. Notice, there is a hint of progression here. The Knight of Swords, the 7 of Swords, then the 2 of Swords. Or the 2 of Swords, 7 of Swords, then Knight of Swords.

You are either moving backwards in life and causing yourself to be at a standstill. Or you are ready to make a stance and move forward with head held high. Depending on what world you want to create is entirely up to you.

Depending on what world you want to create is entirely up to you.

End this month on a good note. Take an unbiased perspective and reflect, then let go of things that no longer serve you.

...let go of things that no longer serve you.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here. 
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Tarot-Scopes is a merge between astrology and tarot reading. Joan Zodianz utilizes both to provide a more in-depth reading of this week's energies for every zodiac sign. To see the monthly overview, click here.

Tarot cards will serve as a general guidance for this week. Take any cards you perceive “negative” as warnings and nothing more.

Joan ZodianzAuthor Bio: Joan Zodianz is a natural astrologist, tarot reader, and psychic medium of 16 years. She communicates with higher spirits such as Archangels, angels, and spirit guides. She offers psychic readings, astrological advice, natal chart readings and tarot readings. Visit: