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Moon Photograph Journal

moon nikon d3400Photographing the moon has been an obsession of mine for quite some time. Here I am posting some of my favorite moon photographs from the past year. The first few were shot with an iPhone, and the rest were shot with my Nikon D3400 and 70-300mm lens. These pics are mostly unedited, but you can see some of the edited ones on Instagram

iPhone Photos (Not great quality, but interesting captures nonetheless)

moon pink sky crescentwaxing crescent


Nikon D3400 Photos

moon nikon d3400moon nikon d3400moon nikon d3400moon nikon d3400moon nikon d3400moon nikon d3400moon clouds nikon d3400moon clouds nikon d3400moon clouds nikon d3400moon clouds nikon d3400moon clouds nikon d3400moon clouds nikon d3400

moonmoon birds flyinghalf moonAnd last but not least, the solar eclipse in August 2017. 

Here in Austin, TX it was a partial solar eclipse, and I did not have the necessary filter required for my camera (or my eyes, for that matter). At the risk of frying my camera, I stood under an eave and shot at an indirect angle as clouds passed through. It took some minor editing to reveal the sun (didn't think it was visible at first), and I am so excited to have captured this photo. 

solar eclipse august 2017


Follow Hello Violet on Instagram for shop updates, witchy things, tarot, and the occasional moon or nature photograph.